Desk jobs can be physically strenuous. Now, you may be thinking about how that is possible. Well, while desk jobs aren’t physically taxing jobs, they can still exert tremendous strain on your body and your mind. If you are a window clerk in USPS, you know what we are talking about. Sitting at your desk all day, processing shipments, selling stamps, handling supply shipping, and calculating postage may sound like an easy task, but it is not. Staying glued to your workstation all day can expose you to risks of mental and physical fatigue, while also increasing risks of health issues such as back pain, wrist pain, lower mobility, and more. Luckily, there are ways in which these problems can be resolved, such as wearing comfortable postal window clerk uniforms. Let us look at some of them:
Wear the right clothes
You must always dress in high-quality comfortable clothes that are USPS window clerk uniforms and make you look and feel good. They will keep you cool during summer and warm during winter, thus allowing you to feel much better at your job. Moreover, as a window clerk, you are arguably the face of your organization. So, you need to look presentable, and donning the right postal uniforms for window clerks can help you do that.
Set up your workspace in the right manner
As a window clerk, you most probably spend most parts of your day at your desk, and so your workspace must be ergonomic. You must have your chair at the right height so that your shoulders can be relaxed. If you work on a computer, you must set it to eye level so that you do not strain your neck.
Take occasional breaks
While it is understandable that you might always have customers at your window, it is still important that you take small breaks from time to time. Get up from your desk, walk around, and stretch your legs and hands. Do not sit in the same position throughout the day. It will only affect your spinal health and not in a positive way.
Keep these few points in mind so that your job is much more enjoyable and less of a pain.